My Commitment to you,
Erin has committed to defend the rights
mentioned below for all the people of Nevada.
Constitutional Rights
Election Integrity
Medical Privacy
Religious Rights
Uphold Our 2nd Amendment Rights
As a Conservative (Republican)
We The People are pissed off !!
About Erin,
My name is Erin Apodaca-Gomez, I am a Republican running in Nevada for State Assembly District 2. I am a fresh face with a conservative perspective. Here are a few things about me.
I am a Nevada native, I was born on Nellis Airforce Base. My entire family has a
military background; my father is an AirForce Veteran of 8 years then became
a police officer, my husband is a Navy veteran, and my Brother-n-law has over 20 years of dedicated service. My family also has a representation on the police force which represents the endless community service I stand for.
I went to Durango High School "Go Trailblazers". Now, I'm a mother with two children; Spencer 9 and Lauren 13. It's important that my children have
a community that allows them the opportunity to thrive without violence in or out of schools. It's imperative that school safety and our 2nd Amendment rights are protected which is why I am working with a team of like minded mothers to address the issues in our schools.

I represent the parents who are frustrated with
Nevada’s failing education system. I also represent
the many families in our city who appreciate and
support our first line response community which
includes the health community however I want to
pass legislation that keeps parental rights in the
hands of parents not government.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing and feeling, I got involved!
First with Attorney Joey Gilbert and Sigal Chattah's help I sued CCSD, when the Judge threw out the case for the mask mandate, I heard about bondforthewin.com and begun to research on elected officials bonds they are required to have while in office. These bond would make sure the Oath of Office were upheld, "I know now," I have to run for office if I want to really make change!
Finally need your support with this enormous goal to provide continuous education to our public safety officers and advanced technology to Las Vegas. Las Vegas record over 40 million visitors in 2019 and many of those businesses throughout the city rely on our first public safety to protect the visitors as well as the locals.
Public Safety is a must in Nevada and that includes during a Pandemic (Plandemic) which is why I was furious about the continued closures of small businesses and the lack of support locally to assist with the endless bureaucratic process I need fresh ideas and your ears to put me in that 2nd District Assembly seat. I leave you with this thought," I got off my couch and became a candidate."
Thanks for your support,
Erin Apodaca-Gomez
for 2nd District Assembly
